Uncountable nouns ending in -s, Nouns ending in -s that are always plural, Irregular plural forms, Collective nouns

Uncountable nouns ending in -s

Some nouns ending in -s are uncountable and followed by a singular verb

– e.g. maths, physics, genetics, aerobics, athletics, news.

– The news is bad, I’m afraid.

Nouns ending in -s that are always plural

Some nouns are always plural and are followed by a plural verb.

– e.g. clothes, glasses, jeans, trousers, pliers, scissors.

– These trousers don’t fit me.

To refer to a single item, use a pair of.

– I need a new pair of glasses.

Uncountable nouns ending in -s, Nouns ending in -s that are always plural, Irregular plural forms, Collective nouns

Irregular plural forms

Some nouns have the same form in the singular and plural.

– e.g. aircraft, crossroads, series, sheep, species.

– There are many different species of dogs. This species is very rare.

Collective nouns

Some nouns can be used with a singular verb if we see them as a single unit, or a plural verb if we are referring to members of the group.

– e.g. the army, the family, the government, the media, the press.

My family is very big. All my family are coming at the wedding.

These nouns only take a plural verb: cattle, the people, the police.

Uncountable nouns ending in -s, Nouns ending in -s that are always plural, Irregular plural forms, Collective nouns publicat: 2022-02-17T08:31:34+02:00, actualizat: 2022-02-17T09:26:31+02:00 by Colegiu.info