The definite article (the), The indefinite article (a/an)

The definite article: the

We use the definite article the:

When the person or thing referred to is unique

The sun came out and soon we were dry.
The President is giving a speech tonight.
The London Marathon, the Olympic Games.

To talk about specific things when the context makes it clear what we are reffering to

– Your shoes are in the cupboard.
– Your dinner’s in the fridge.

To talk about previously mentioned things

– A man and a woman walked into the room. The man was wearing sunglasses.

With superlatives

– He’s the bravest person in the team.

To talk about a generic class of things

The bycicle was invented about 200 years ago.
The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.

With oceans, seas, rivers and deserts

– He’s sailed across the Atlantic and the Pacific.
– We went by canoe up the Orinoco.
– She said she’d driven across the Sahara.

With plural mountain ranges and island groups

– Are the Andes as high as the Himalayas?
The British Isles include the Isle of Wight and the Isle of Man.

With continents and countries whose name includes a common noun

– He’s from the Czech Republic, but he’s living in the United States.

With areas

– There is a range of mountains in the north.

With hotels, cinemas, theatres

– They had afternoon tea at the Ritz.
– That new Polish film is on at the Odeon.

With newspapers

The Times, The Guardian, The Independent.

With national groups

The English are a mixed race.

The definite article (the), The indefinite article (a/an)

The indefinite article: a/an

Use the indefinite article a/an:

With (singular) jobs, etc.

– She’s an architect.
– Is your sister a football fan, too?

With singular countable nouns (mentioned for the first time or when it doesn’t matter which one)

– I’d like a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.
– What you need is a rest.

With these numbers: 100, 1.000, 1.000.000

– There were over a hundred people at the wedding.
– He made a million dollars in one year.

In exclamations about singular countable nuns

– What an amazing view!

The definite article (the), The indefinite article (a/an) publicat: 2018-10-22T15:40:27+02:00, actualizat: 2018-10-22T16:39:16+02:00 by